What Tax Deductions should Freelancers Take?

The Freelancers Union has a number of resources to help freelancers understand how to file taxes.

One such resource is a Tax Deductions PDF that actually links to the IRS forms you’re going to need to file your taxes. They go through filling out the Schedule C form step by step. I wish I had known about this the first time I did my taxes as a freelancer!

The Freelancers Union guide goes through every line of the Schedule C form, removing the mystery and uncertainty that sometimes comes with filling out IRS forms. Anytime that there is more than one way to answer a question, the guide explains your options in a very easy-t0-understand manner. They even give you tips on what to do and not to do.

Of course, the Freelancers Union PDF doesn’t take the place of a professional. If you’re unsure of how to file, you should consult an accountant, CPA, or tax professional.

I would recommend ILuvTax if you need a CPA, and Gravis Law for any questions you may have about business formation.

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